The Road to Success is Paved with Good Values’:College Students’ Life Values and Students Well-Being in a Study of School and Family Factorsily Factors”


  • Rongrong Guo Faculty of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts UCSI University, No. 1, Jalan Menara Gading, UCSI Heights (Taman Connaught), Cheras, 56000, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Guangxi University of Science and Technology, No.268,Road Dong Huan, Cheng Zhong,Cheras, 545000 Guangxi, Province, Liu Zhou, City, China Autor/a
  • Mansor Abu Talib Centre of Research for Mental Health and Wellbeing, UCSI University, 56000, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Autor/a


Palabras clave:

“Extracurricular Activities”; “Parental Support”; “Academic Success”; “Coping Strategies”; “Learning Environment”


Importance: College students’ life values and well-being are unquestionable in determining their academic and personal achievement. Gap in Literature: Nevertheless, the current body of literature pays scant attention to complex relations between involvement in organised activities, parental encouragement, and personal contents in the sphere of education. Objective: This study intends to fill this gap by analysing the interconnection between these variables and their impact on students’ quality of life and values. Methodology: Following a cross-sectional study design, the current study used a self-administered questionnaire to sample 390 university students from different universities in Guangxi Province, China. Key Findings: The study shows that extracurricular activity and parental support had a positive influence on students’ performance and well-being and in turn on personal values. More importantly, coping strategies were hypothesised to mediate the relationships, while learning environments were found to moderate the six relationships. Implications: Such findings call for educative policies in matters for champions of satisfactory coping strategies, parental encouragement, and students’ well-being, as well as education of strict and comprehensive life values.





