The Road to Success is Paved with Good Values’:College Students’ Life Values and Students Well-Being in a Study of School and Family Factorsily Factors”
“Extracurricular Activities”; “Parental Support”; “Academic Success”; “Coping Strategies”; “Learning Environment”Abstract
Importance: College students’ life values and well-being are unquestionable in determining their academic and personal achievement. Gap in Literature: Nevertheless, the current body of literature pays scant attention to complex relations between involvement in organised activities, parental encouragement, and personal contents in the sphere of education. Objective: This study intends to fill this gap by analysing the interconnection between these variables and their impact on students’ quality of life and values. Methodology: Following a cross-sectional study design, the current study used a self-administered questionnaire to sample 390 university students from different universities in Guangxi Province, China. Key Findings: The study shows that extracurricular activity and parental support had a positive influence on students’ performance and well-being and in turn on personal values. More importantly, coping strategies were hypothesised to mediate the relationships, while learning environments were found to moderate the six relationships. Implications: Such findings call for educative policies in matters for champions of satisfactory coping strategies, parental encouragement, and students’ well-being, as well as education of strict and comprehensive life values.