The Educational Theory of John Dewey and its Influence on Educational Policy and Practice in Macedonia
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John Dewey, Educational theory, Educational reform, Teaching methodology, Education in the Republic of MacedoniaAbstract
The paper gives an overview of the impact that the educational theory of the American philosopher and educator John Dewey has had on education in Macedonia since the establishment of the educational system after the Second World War. Within this framework two periods are identified and analysed. One refers to forty-five years of socialist development, during which the traces of Dewey’s presence and influence are recognized in the policy documents that shaped the education in the Socialist Republic of Macedonia as part of the former Yugoslav federation. The analysis of the second period covers the last twenty-five years of development of education in the socio-political context of a sovereign state, and is focused on reform initiatives for improving the teaching process introduced in the 90s of the past century. They are marked by the implementation of three major international projects that altered the traditional teaching organization and methodology in elementary and secondary public schools in Macedonia: Active teaching-Interactive learning, Step by step and Reading and writing for critical thinking. The theoretical foundations of these projects are explored, and common elements that can be traced back to Dewey’s educational concepts and values are identified and discussed.
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