Common places in the early reception of the pedagogical-musical methods. Eurhythmics in the first third of the 20th Century


  • Juan Carlos Montoya Rubio Universidad de Murcia España Autore


Parole chiave:

music education, teaching method, history of education, information dissemination


The early decades of the 20th Century enlightened some of the most successful musical methodological approaches that, even today, continue to be a benchmark in classrooms around the world. Despite the fact that it was a time of effervescence around the musical in education, not all the proposed models reached our days. Some of the pedagogical-musical methods of the twentieth century are examples of successful transmission of musical ideas from one side of the world to another. In this research, we are particularly interested in the way in which, after the publication of the ideas of any pedagogue, and in parallel to the implementation of its works in some places in Europe, its postulates are known and reworked in other contexts, producing the first couplings of its musical model from a series of patterns that are often repeated regardless of the musical approach. According with the previous, we will carry out a synthesis of bibliographical contributions which aims, in a complete or partial way, to the musical elements described by Jaques-Dalcroze in his Eurhythmics. This analysis will result in a model of methodological diffusion around the musical, based on three basic elements: the determination of the initial problem or the mythical origin of the method, the institutionalization (using a group of faithful followers for this) and the irradiation all over the world.

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