Doctoral Theses of History of Education in the Database TESEO (Spain 2000-2010)


  • Carmen Sanchidrián Blanco Universidad de Málaga. España Autore


Parole chiave:

Doctoral theses, repositories, TESEO, History of Education, Spain


The analysis of doctoral thesis conducted in a scientific field is one of the pillars for the status of the field and this has been raised within the project Mapping the Discipline History of Education. From the works already presented about the thesis in France, Switzerland, Portugal and Italy, we study the thesis included in the TESEO data base which have among their descriptors «History of education» in 2000, 2005 and 2010. In the 83 doctoral thesis localized, we have analyzed variables such as national or local character, the study period and the duration. As they have all in common that descriptor, we have also considered the situation of that one in relation to the other descriptors for each thesis as a possible indicator of the concept that the authors have about this discipline. The results are disaggregated by year and significant changes can be appreciated. Further studies including the content of the doctoral thesis may refine the results presented here. The TESEO database, with certain limitations, is an indispensable source in these studies. However, searches cannot be limited to the most obvious descriptors and must include keywords in the title and the summary. Some confusion about the very concept of discipline is clearly observed. A careful preparation of the records of this database will improve its effectiveness.

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