Overcoming the balance-sheet model of the colonial education in Mozambique. A contextualization of missionary teaching during the Estado Novo from the educative reports of the Diocese of Beira
https://doi.org/10.14516/ete.2014.001.002.002Parole chiave:
Colonial education, Ideology, Catholic missions, EmancipationAbstract
The studies about the Catholic missionary education in Mozambique have highlighted how their role was subordinated to the colonial interests and their weak educational outcomes. Nevertheless, neither the evolution of church-state relations during the long period of the Salazar dictatorship nor the heterogeneity of views and actions of the Catholic hierarchy have been taken into account. The study of the educational reports of the Diocese of Beira (1950-1973) supports not only the overall weakness of the results but also the administrative authority’s derelictions of duty. The government only assumed their responsibilities to the imminence of war, against the interest and the almost exclusive role of religious education agents in expanding and improving the indigenous school network. The commitment of a significant part of the clergy of the central region of Mozambique to an unfair social reality which was contrary to the Gospel, led to educational and pastoral options whose result was the political awareness of indigenous elites who had been educated by the church.
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