Intercultural Citizenship Education and Accountability. An Insight from the History of School Subjects


  • Jesús Romero Morante Universidad de Cantabria. España Autore
  • María Louzao Suárez Universidad de Cantabria. España Autore


Parole chiave:

Intercultural education, accountability, standards, external assessments, curriculum, history of school subjects


The international organizations that set the agenda for educational policies have incorporated among their principles the desirability of intercultural education. The current Spanish legislation (LOMCE) has accordingly done so, at least as a mere formality. At the same time, however, it has instituted an accountability regime based on standards and external standardized assessments. We wonder if such a «regime» actually encourages or deters intercultural citizenship education. Since this law is not yet fully operational in Spain, this article seeks evidence through an original historical analysis of two British curriculum projects, interrupted by the implementation of a similar institutional arrangement in England after the approval of the Education Reform Act in 1988.

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