Reality and fiction of an educator of the people. Study of the pedagogical mission of Federica Montseny through her autobiographies


  • Michela Caiazzo Università di Sassari. Italia Autore


Parole chiave:

Pedagogy, Autobiography, Anarchism, Women, Writers, Spanish History


In this work we intend to study, through the analysis of the autobiographical works of the anarchist thinker Federica Montseny (1905-1994), the educational context in which the writer was born and her attempt to transform the society through her own example and writings. The anti-authoritarian and freethinker background, the extended family of overtones inspired by Fourier’s ideal, the rational and secular teachings of her mother Teresa Mañé, the full immersion into the world of politics and workers struggles of the early twentieth century shapes the awareness of a child who will devote her life spreading the anarchist model. Deeply aware of the ethical and social potential of art, she puts into practice her ability to become a writer, a speaker and an educator of the people. Fiction and reality blend aiming to create a heroine.

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