The Initial Deployment of the Homeschooling Social Movement in Spain (1989-2002)


  • Patricia Quiroga Uceda Universidad Complutense de Madrid. España Autore


Parole chiave:

Homeschooling, John Holt, Ivan Illich, schooling


This paper aims to studying in historical perspective the beginning of the social movement of homeschooling in Spain. It begins by analyzing the way in which the ideas of authors such as Ivan Illich arrived in the 1970s. Later, attention is paid to three bulletins, Aprender sin Escuela (1989-1993), Buzón (1993-1997) and Crecer sin Escuela (1997-2005), which served as a reference to organize a movement that rejected schooling. The paper focuses in the intellectual figures who developed a central rol in the initial deployment of the movement. The detailed study of these publications highlights the objectives that the homeschooling/unschooling promoted since its beginning in Spain: to share experiences, to promote networking, to spread education at home and to internationalize this pedagogical alternative.

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