Marine environmental education in French schools: from sea classes to educational marine areas (1964-2022)


  • Julien Fuchs Autore
  • Malo Camus-Le Pape Université de Bretagne Occidentale. France Autore


Parole chiave:

education, marine environment, sea class, educational marine area, pedagogy, measure


This paper focuses on marine environmental education in schools in France. From a historical perspective, it studies the initiatives leading to the natural environment, here the coastline, being considered as an educational component in its own right. It details the emergence and subsequent generalisation of two innovative measures within French schools, considered as original in the national education system: the «sea classes» (classes de mer) created in 1964, and the «educational marine areas» (aires marines éducatives), developed in 2012. Based on extensive archival work and unpublished testimonies from actors involved at all stages of the development of these models, this paper sheds light on the way in which these measures concerning marine environmental education were structured and evolved, in terms of both their applicability and their objectives. Above all, it seeks to demonstrate that although these models have long been institutionalised by the French Ministry of National Education and contribute to enriching the country’s educational offer, they did not stem directly from an academic desire to reform school curricula. Rather, they originated with local initiatives implemented by stakeholders involved in action networks that enabled their projects to gain prominence and recognition within the school system. Finally, the study shows that the success of these measures and the enthusiasm they generate among educational actors legitimise the role of nature in schools. The interviews conducted, notably with teachers, highlight the fact that the natural environment, considered as a venue for learning, both contributes to the success of the lessons taught and increases the motivation of the learners. This then raises the question of the development of these measures outside of France.

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