The Reception of John Dewey in Hungary


  • Imre Fenyő University of Debrecen. Hungary Autor/a


Palabras clave:

Hungary, reception, political determinism, John Dewey


The 20th century is the century of discontinuity in Hungary. Therefore, the image of the reception of John Dewey’s work can be a mosaic only and sometimes incomplete, where the gaps are no less meaningful than in other cases the elements abundance. Despite this fragmentation is still worth to keep tracking of the formations in which a science constantly re-evaluates and re-interprets its own classics, as sources of legitimacy. In this paper we would like to demonstrate the dual (political and scientific) determinism of Dewey’s Hungarian reception, with presenting Dewey’s works published in Hungary, respectively present the scientific publications related to his work and at times to his person. We do not want to provide a mere register of the Hungarian Dewey-literature, but we would like to outline the effects that determined the scientific opinions which have helped or discouraged propagate of Dewey’s ideals in Hungary.


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