«Sad times»: notes on student movement, community and emotions at the University of Chile against Pinochet dictatorship (1974-1986)


  • Pablo Toro Blanco Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Chile Autor/a



Palabras clave:

Chile, student movements, cultural history, collective memory, university, transition


This article analyzes the memory of a group of leaders of the student movement at the University of Chile against the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. Recalling their discourse on the emotional aspects of their experience as students, using as source a set of interviews, and student publications of the period under study as well, our text aims at providing a new perspective on historical understanding regarding anti dictatorial university movement. Plausibility of emphasis on emotional dimensions of the student experience is evaluated, lightening them through two contrasting interpretative cores: the theory of emotional generational rebellion, in the version developed by Lewis Feuer (1969), and the new social movements. Taking advantages of the sources indicated, we come to conclusion it is necessary to enrich the historical study of opponents students at the University of Chile during dictatorship appealing to the complex interplay between emotions, speech, ideology and political practices, deconstructing essentialist views about the student movement, which tend to exaggerate the sacrificial and messianic ideological dimension as one of its essential factors.


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