«Times of Storms»: The Complex Portrayal of the Spanish Civil War in History Textbooks (1970-1990)
https://doi.org/10.14516/ete.2015.002.001.009Palabras clave:
textbooks, Spanish Civil War, curriculum, social sciences, school subjectsResumen
The study of Spanish Civil War through History textbooks was −and is still− the predominant medium for learning this historic passage in the Spanish classrooms. The Civil War was one of the most controversial and tragic period in the history of Spain in the XXth century. This feature caused this topic is complex and difficult to represent in school textbooks. This paper analyses the overt and implicit messages such textbooks presented its readers from Transition to Democracy in Spain to the early Education Act 1990 (LOGSE). We study three major publishing houses in Spain (Santillana, Anaya, and SM). We explore the explanations given about the origin of the Civil War and the portrayal made about this historical event. The conclusion is the textbooks, although have changed the partial and manipulative picture the Franco’s regime made of the Civil War, yet they resist to any change, preferring the old explanations. The textbooks have been subject to a series of changes and continuities. In the third part of this paper we try to give an explanation about the reasons why History textbooks were continuously debated between change and continuities of some conservative explains.
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