American Makarenko and soviet Dewey: a search for pedagogical renewal
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history of comparative education, history of school, John Dewey, Anton Makarenko, Soviet Union, USA, XX centuryResumen
The paper deals with educational legacies of John Dewey and Anton Makarenko – two outstanding educators who were named by Otto Anweiler the best in the XXth Century alongside with Maria Montessori and Georg Kershenshteiner. Having got the title of the «Teacher of Soviet teachers» Anton Makarenko, as well as John Dewey who was called «The Teacher of Teachers», both educators thought of a new concept of school and a new type of a teacher for the XXth century that still keep relevance in the XXI century. John Dewey’s democratic concept of school and its international significance as well as his new concept of teacher training are compared to Anton Makarenko’s ideas. The man of the XXth century, John Dewey (1859-1952) has made great impact on the development of world pedagogy. The educational legacy of A. Makarenko is also the subject of international study and an international phenomenon. The connection of Dewey and Makarenko with Maxim Gorky is touched upon in the paper too.
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