Interview with Joyce Goodman
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Joyce GoodmanResumen
Professor Joyce Goodman is a powerhouse in scholarship on the history of education. On the faculty at The University of Winchester, she is perhaps known best for her scholarship on women and girls’ education, but she also has written on educational cinematography and transnational education. Professor Goodman has served in many different capacities at the university and in her scholarly associations. At Winchester, she was Assistant Vice-Chancellor, Pro-Vice- Chancellor, Dean of the Faculty of Education, Health and Social Care, and Director of Research and Knowledge Transfer. She was also co-editor of the journal History of Education, president of the History of Education Society (UK), and secretary for the International Standing Conference on the History of Education (ISCHE). She is an honorary life member of ISCHE and an honorary member of Network 17 (Histories of Education) of the European Educational Research Association.
Professor Goodman’s books include Social Change in the History of British Education (Routledge, 2008) with Gary McCulloch and William Richardson; Women and Education: Major Themes in Education (Routledge, 2011, four volumes) with Jane Martin; and Girls’ Secondary Education in the Western World (Palgrave 2010/2014) with James Albisetti and Rebecca Rogers. Her new book projects focus on women and international intellectual cooperation and women and comparative education. Professor Goodman has also published numerous articles and book chapters.
We first met around seven years ago, when we both were invited to serve on the advisory board for the Albert M. Greenfield Digital Center for the History of Women’s Education at Bryn Mawr College (USA). I have always marveled at Professor Goodman’s intellectual dexterity, as well as her keen insight around theory, in which she effortlessly draws on seemingly disparate constructs to evince new and provocative findings in the history of education. Likewise, she embraces the power of technology to advance her scholarly agenda and to support peers and junior scholars. It was an honour to have this opportunity to interview her and learn more about her scholarly trajectory as well as her view of the future of the history of gender in education.
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