Interview with Iveta Kestere


  • Luciana Bellatalla Università degli Studi di Ferrara. Italy Autor/a


Palabras clave:

Iveta Estere, Luciana Bellatalla, History of Education


Iveta Kestere is a Professor at the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art, University of Latvia and an expert in the history of education at the Latvian Council of Science. Her current academic interest is in the research methodology for the history of education and education under dictatorship, including history of school reality and history of teaching profession. She is the author of numerous articles devoted to the history of education and the author or co-editor of nine books, among them The Visual Image of the Teacher (2012) and History of Pedagogy and Educational Sciences in the Baltic Countries from 1940 to 1990: an Overview (2013). She was a guest researcher and lecturer at the KU Leuven, Belgium. She is included in the editorial board of academic journals in Lithuania and Italy. She is a co-convenor of 17th Network (history of education) at The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) and the Board member of the Baltic Association of Historians of Pedagogy.


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