On the American expedition of Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859): connection with nature, nomadic impulse and self-realization


  • Jordi García Farrero Universidad de Barcelona. España Autor/a



Palabras clave:

educational history, educational theory, nomadism, open spaces, school visit, natural sciences, Alexander von Humboldt


In this article, the author approaches the figure of Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859) basically for two reasons. First, he is one of the leading naturalists and geographers of Romanticism, as demonstrated by the following scientific contributions: the organic unity between man and nature, and the vision of nature as a realm of freedom; secondly, his biographical trajectory is quite inspiring from a pedagogical perspective, concerning the scientific expedition he conducted along with the French botanist Aimé Bonpland (1773-1858) through the Americas. Thus, this paper intends to carry out a pedagogical reading of the said journey, divided into the three stages proposed by the same German scientist (preparation, travel and preparation of the work), in order to highlight a number of concepts (nature, nomadism and self-training) as part of different pedagogical worldviews that have occurred throughout the history of education. With this background, this proposed itinerary concludes by emphasizing that one of its possible pedagogical drifts can be an educational practice as well-known as field trips. It is, therefore, a study that has been carried out through the hermeneutics of the main texts of Humboldt and others from natural science and, of course, of pedagogy.


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