History and Modern Architecture: Prellerhaus, the Bauhaus residential colleges in Dessau (1926-1932)


  • Marcus Levy Bencostta Federal University of Paraná. Brazil Autor/a



Palabras clave:

Modern Architecture, Bauhaus, Residential Colleges


With the present article, I intend to investigate the architecture and space of the residential college of the Hochschule für Gestaltung Bauhaus (Germany), inaugurated at the beginning of the second phase of the Bauhaus, when it was forced to leave the city of Weimar and settle in Dessau, between 1926-1932. A reference for the history of modern architecture, this residence was part of the set of buildings designed by the architect Walter Gropius, who was the first director of what was to be the first design school in the world, whose expression became internationally recognized for its concept and innovative aesthetics. To produce this article, I used sources and bibliography that are mostly located at the Bauhaus-Archiv, Berlin, among which I highlight manuscripts, letters, architectural plans, photographs, manifestos and newspapers.


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